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PFF Training

The PFF (Progressive Freefall Program) is the most advanced, quick, and efficient training method to become a skydiver. The goal is for learners to become fully autonomous while enjoying their experience.

This program will allow you to learn how to jump on your own and to obtain your Solo Certificate. The program is very well structured and has proven itself over the years. All jumps are made from 13,500 ft with certified professional instructors.

The PFF consists of:

A complete ground training program covering the basics of skydiving (4-5 hours);

  • Wind tunnel training (15 minutes of flying time);
  • Nine freefall jumps with a jump filmed for your review;
  • Equipment rental for each jump.


In order to access the PFF, you need to have completed one tandem jump in the past 12 months. To maximize learning efficiency, try to schedule your training over a short period of time.

Training Stages

Ground Training (4-5 hours)

Prior to jumping, you will go through the required ground training and learn the basics of skydiving.

  • The program consists of 7 units:
  • Equipment;
  • Ride to altitude;
  • Aircraft exit;
  • Freefall;
  • Canopy control;
  • Landing;
  • Unusual situations.

This course takes place on site in a classroom.

Practice: Wind Tunnel 

In order to optimize your training, a 15-minutes wind tunnel session led by qualified Voltige instructors is included in the program. You will learn basic positions, how to open the parachute, and how to execute turns. The wind tunnel is an excellent learning tool, allowing students to easily perfect their freefall skills. Instructors can quickly and efficiently correct your body position using signals. The cost of wind tunnel training is included in the PFF, with the wind tunnel option.

N.B.: Ground training and wind tunnel training are easily interchangeable.

In-air training jumps: Freefall (9 levels)

The PFF consists of 9 levels, which are all supervised by experienced instructors. Instructors give a complete briefing prior to each jump, explaining the jump’s routine and exercises. They also help you practise the necessary maneuvers on the ground and teach you how to inspect your equipment.

The instructors help you with your body position in freefall. They can easily correct it using hand signals. Under canopy, an instructor will guide you via radio assistance to help you learn how to control your parachute for a safe and controlled landing.

After your landing, your instructor will analyze your jump and log all the details in your log book.

Jump description (with wind tunnel)

Level 1

For level one, you will be accompanied by two instructors who will be by your side during the aircraft exit.

  • The three main objectives of your first jump are:
  • Maintaining a stable body position;
  • Responding correctly to signals from the instructor;
  • Being aware of the altitude to know when to open your parachute.

Levels 2 to 5

For the following 4 levels, you will jump with one instructor. Aircraft exits will vary depending on the jump. You will get the opportunity to practise multiple exits and maneuvers. The instructor will make sure you are aware of the altitude and will guide you using hand signals.

Levels 6 and 7

During levels 6 and 7, you will be able to make solo jumps to perfect your body position and prepare for the final exam.

Level 8

For level 8, you will practise an emergency aircraft exit, which is mandatory for your Solo Certificate. The instructor will also demonstrate a stable exit at 5,000 ft.

Level 9

Level 9 is your final exam. You will be required to demonstrate an unstable exit (a flip) and a figure 8. Our cameraman will film your jump, which will be then analyzed by your instructor. You will receive an email with a link to download a multimedia package, which includes a video and photos of your jump.

You are required to pass each level before starting the next one.All jumps are made from an altitude of 13,500 ft., except your level 8 jump, which is done from an altitude of 5,000 ft.

Mandatory equipment

  • An adjustable harness container containing:
  • A main canopy;
  • A reserve canopy;
  • An automated activation device
  • A jumpsuit;
  • Skydiving goggles;
  • An altimeter;
  • An audible altimeter;
  • A hard-shell helmet;
  • A lot of patience.

Total cost of the program, including gear rental: $2229.00 + tax


Why choose
Instructors team with more than 150,000 jumps to their assets and more than 750 years of experience.